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Chaise haute industrielle

Highchair: the birth of the highchair

Article published on 15/11/2013

the flourishing industrial era of the 1930s allows the beginning of the high chair.

The industrial flourishing era of the 1930s gave birth to the industrial highchair, that will have an impact on the working world, our home and our streets.

The beginning of the highchair

Originally, the workers of the production chain had a working table, but no seat. They were working standing. To meet this need that appears at the same time than the very diligent industrialization , the high chair is designed with wood and metal, for a multi-task robustness, essential for workshops and factories. At home, the highchair is set in the kitchen, to facilitate the cooking. The steal was hard to accept at home, considered as working and factory material, but the functionnality of this chair seduced many. Outdoors, during the 30s, it's time for coffees and breweries, and yet again the high chair finds its place at the bar, that the chair has kept proudly until today. Nowadays, this industrial symbole is anchored in the world of decoration ; it can be reissued in accordance with the principles of yesteryears.

Chaise haute tôle perforée

The high chair's emblems

A perfect straight and graphical highchair that brings happiness to decoration lovers that fit easily at home as working seats or Dactylo's machines. The Singer chair is an emblem of the industrial seat that has found its place in our interiors. The high chair's robustness is given by the whole wood and cast used to design this chair, that was used in sewing workshops. The highchair "Bienaise" was the first industrial seat designed in France, in the 1920s. Beyond its architectural aesthetics, this folding and rotating chair is compared to the famous "Thonet" chair in every specialized catalog. The highchair witness the first ergonomic approach in the industry as the working furniture, and symbolizes today the industrial decoration.

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