How do I decorate my house in a nice Boho chic spirit? Which colours do I have to use? Read this article and you will become the absolute Boho-chic-styling-pro!
Boho Chic colors
In the Shabby chic decor, the color is highly important, regarding its capacity to create a cheerful and dynamic environment. Colors have the power to affect our thoughts, by creating a different atmosphere regarding the room you are in. They have the capacity as well to recall us of some memories or emotionnal experiences, that is one major principle of the boho chic decor. The color trend in an interior is rethought and revisited every season, for a certain amount of time. When we are looking to create a boho chic style at home, colors must be chosen to arouse us. Blue is the touch tha we find at every season under different styles and that can be perfectly combined to the boho chic and its natural and pure wood. Orange is very present as well and allows to bring some peps to a grey or taupe wall. Shiny greens appear as well as the trendy colors of the moment.
{img-file:media/files/content/esprit-boheme-decoratif_4363.jpg;[breaking_points_1];esprit-boheme-decoratif;esprit bohème décoratif;2}Balance and agreements with the boho chic principles
Colors cannot be set randomly as you need to pay attention to the way the light arrives in a room, the reflection on the ground, or yet again the size of the furniture present in your interior. These factors that we need to take into account have an important role in our boho chic decor. First of all, the white or neutral frame must be set down, and will then be combined with many different touches of color. Many choices are then available ; the monochrome thant can be franc but hazardous as well when choosing the specific colors, the camaieu that sets a truly relaxing atmoshpere, or the combination of deep colors that will influence the shapes of your interior. What we are certain about, is that bringing colors in your interior is now available for everyone.