un nouveau
style de vie

Miniature Circular carpet Lidingo Clipped Circular carpet Lidingo£150
Circular carpet Lidingo
The Scandinavian spirit of the natural jute
Sober and elegant

Circular carpet Lidingo

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Products similar to circular carpet Lidingo

The Scandinavian spirit of the natural jute

Sober and elegant

Sober and elegant, opt for the Lidingo carpet designed with jute to furhish your living room and give a Scandinavian atmosphere to your interior.

Circled with a black line, this carpet will display a nice elegance under a coffee table or on a thoroughfare, where we will appreciate its solid fiber.


Weight and Dimensions

  • 6,60 kg
  • 150,00 x 1,00 x 150,00 cm (Length x Height x Width)
4,8/5,0Unrivalled customer satisfaction
020 3445 0636


Armchairs and sofas in linen, cotton and solid wood, from GBP 1210. Exclusively at pib.